Thursday, April 20, 2006


This sweater is perhaps the 3rd, maybe the 4th incarnation of a sweater knit with this yarn.

I had a pattern, I liked this yarn, obviously the two belonged together. Unfortunately, the orginal pattern was written for mohair. I started knitting, I ran out of yarn. Finally, someone or something acquainted me with Ida Riley Duncan and her two books, KNIT TO FIT and THE COMPLETE BOOK OF PROGRESSIVE KNITTING.

I read about gauge, taking measurements, lots of stuff my knitting friends didn't seem to worry about. Maybe they were knitting gauge swatches at night when I wasn't around.

I love this yarn, the color and the feel of it. It glows in the sunshine. It came from Condon and Sons, Prince Edward Island. I cannot find an internet address for them. Are they still in existence?

If you look carefully at the right sleeve, you may notice that it's a shade lighter. I ran out of the original dye lot. Notice too that the title of this blog is Slow Knitting. When I finally got it, that gauge in important? It was two years later. I knit slowly, okay? So I ordered another skein of "Fuschia", and it was a tad lighter. (I could have unravelled sleeve #1, and knit both sleeves alternating rows, one from skein A, one from skein B. That was too much even for my perfectionist nature.)

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