Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Just Trying to Get Through the Day

I'm experiencing computer problems, have lost all of my photos, etc. As a result, no new photos to post.

Progress to report, though. The infamous pink socks are done, and I will not whine about them any more.

And on my needles: Roza's socks by Grumperina from the Spring '07 Interweave Knits, and Cece by Bonne Marie Burns of ChicKnits. I am not linking to anything until the computer woes are solved. Very dispirited, that's what I am. Time to go for a long restorative walk where I'm walking all over modern technology (at least as represented by my walking shoes). Time to see how much bigger leaves have grown overnight.

Reading: The Namesake, The Blind Assassin, Special Topics in Calamity Physics.

1 comment:

Bonne Marie said...

Hey Sue! Hang in there - sometimes computers really are a DRAG!!

Hope sunny days are ahead -